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The Great War 1914 - 1918
This web site hosts a collection of correspondence and memorabilia about the Great War 1914-1918. This has just been updated (April 2020) by a large number of translations of the German letters which are ongoing.
There is a large section of many hundreds of postcards, mostly used for correspondence. These are from Great Britain, France, Germany as well as other countries. They are in the process of being translated and many have notes on the historical context.
There are also collections of letters, albums, cigarette cards and notes on postage stamps published at the time.
Click on the postcard to reach this section of the site.

Family Genealogical Data
Much of this web site concerns genealogical history. It is an attempt to share photos, letters, documents and other data that has been collected over many years.
Click on this picture of Mrs Lilly to enter this section of the site.

Postcards from the early 20th century
Tracing family history led me to start collecting postcards of Lily Brayton, the actress. This then developed into a wider interest in postcards - of early actresses and of views of places that family members lived in at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century.
Click on this picture of Lily Brayton and her husband Oscar Asche for thematic collections of postcards.

Travel photos
The site also contains collection of photos of places that we as a family have visited over the years. In time I hope to add some notes. Most recently (2017) I have added the entire collection of photos we took on our world tour 1988-1991. There are now photos of English churches and birds from various international locations.