James walker and annie barton
James and Annie married in 1874. they had 7 children:
- Mary Howard: b and d 1875 Wigan
- Howard James: b 7th March 1878 at Standish. Died St Pancras, London 4th Apr 1937. He joined Messrs Walker and Rogers Mining Engineers in 1901 and trained under his father. From 1906 the firm
was Messrs Kellett, Ellis, Walker and Rogers. He was a director on the board of the Grundys' coal mine
but fell out with the family. He introduced the system of getting miners to shower at the mine and change in and out of their clothes there rather than at home He played
quartets and married the younger sister of a musical friend. A quiet man with good sense of humour, liked to read Pickwick Papers every Christmas. He bought Dalton Grange fom Capt
Prescott. It had been empty for 18 years. There was no electricity and the site occupied 17 acres including 3 fields and 3 ponds. He married Martha Ellen 'Chickie' 'Patti' Grundy in 1905 at Southport. They had four daughters.
- Beatrice Marian 'Trixie': b 1882 d 1973. She married George Edward Walker Henderson in 1911. He was a doctor from Edinburgh. They had three children.
- Humphrey: b 1880 d 1966. He married Helen Fernihough in 1911. He was a mechanical engineer and with no children of his own, brought up his illegitimate nephew Angeletto.
- Alice Margaret 'Daisy': b 1886 d 1972. She was musical and joined her cousin, Lily Brayton in London. She played the part of Marguerite in Chu Chin Chow. She had an illegitimate son, Angeletto, by the Italian dancer Angelo Gualtieri. In a 1930 passenger list his date of birth is given as 1889 and he has come from Argentina. Angeletto was probably born around 1925; he later went to America and married.
- Edward Barton 'Barty': b 1884 d 1955. he was the technical director of Walker Bros until 1951. He married Phyllis W Barron in Conway in 1913 and they had two children.
- Nona Ruth 'Nonnie': b 1891 d 1965. Name recorded sometimes as Nora. She married Harold 'Harry' Roberts in 1914 and they had two children.
Various documents
Ode to the Chicklets (apologies) Chochlets
Our dearest Chick, we write you know
To thank you for the toffies
It was most kind, and a Propos –
None of the creams are coffees.
Patricia sweet, you were to good,
You took us by surprise.
We sit and guzzle, while the boys
Look on with longing eyes.
You’d ne’er have found a better way,
To have our favour courted
Than by this box you sent this day,
Of “Emperor – Assorted”
We tastes the chocks, when we came in,
And Howard made an awful din.
Trixey Walker A.S.S.; R.A,T (Scribbler)
Daisy Walker C.A.T.; (a) W.A.L.L. (sing)
Nonny Walker S.”.U.;E.A.K. (violin)

29th January 1905 cutting from The Southport Visi…
Fashionable wedding at Holy Trinity
Walker – Grundy
A large congregation assembled at Holy Trinity Church, Southport, on Wednesday afternoon to witness the marriage of Mr Howard Walker, eldest son of Mr Jas. H.Walker of Wigan and Southport, and Miss Patti Grundy, daughter of the later Mr James Grundy and of Mrs Grundy, of Westleigh, Alexandra Road, Southport. The service was fully choral, Mr H Hudson presiding at the organ, and the nuptial know was tied by the vicar, the Rev C S Hope, MA. As the bridge entered the church on the arm of her brother, Mr Arthur Grundy, who gave her away, it was seen that she was attired in a magnificent gown off ivory duchesse satin, made in Louis XV style, the entire front of the skirt being composed of real old Brussels lace and pearls, the gift of her mother, and French knots. It was mounted over an underdress of ivory glace with deep accordion flounce. The bodice was draped with a vaporous fichu of real old lace to match the skirt, and was handsomely embroidered with pearls. The veil was of silk Brussels net edged with narrow lace to match, having in one corner a horse-shoe of chiffon and pearls, and from which a shower of orange blossom completed the whole effect. She carried a bouquet of orchids, lilies, and orange blossom, the gift of the bridegroom. Miss Annie Grundy, sister of the bride, and Miss Trixie Walker, sister of the bridegroom, acted as bridesmaids, and wore charming gowns of cream chiffon taffetas, made after the Dresden pattern, beautifully appliquéd with hand-painted roses, the bodices being daintily trimmed with brown and cream Chantilly lace, with double cross over capes of the taffetas and lace. They wore lovely picture hats made of chiffon, daintily shaded from cream to brown, and with clusters of pink roses to harmonise with gown. They carried exquisite muffs made of the same shaded chiffon and lace, and from which hung sprays of pink rosebuds. Their presents from the bridegroom were art pendants. Among the guests present in the church, and at the subsequent reception at Westleigh were: - Mr and Mrs James Walker, Mr Barton Walker, Miss Daisy Walker, Miss Louise Walker, Mrs Grundy, Miss Grundy and Miss M Grundy, Mr and Mrs Albert E Grundy, Mr and Mrs Fred Grundy, Mr and Mrs Geo. Walker (Liverpool), Mr and Mrs T A Walker, Mr and Mrs Edwin Walker, Mr and Mrs T Ratcliff Ellis (Wigan), Mr and Mrs W Ratcliff Ellis (Wigan). Mrs Henderson (Edinburgh), Mr A W Grundy (Prestwich), Mrs Edwin Grundy (Ormskirk), Mrs Brayton (Hindley), Miss Barton (Wigan) and the Rev C.S.Hope and Mrs Hope.
The pair left fro London en route for Davos Platz, Switzerland, where the honeymoon is being spent. The bride’s travelling costume was a red-cloth coat and skirt with sable fur, cerise-coloured
straw hat trimmed with roses, and a fur lined travelling cloak. Messrs Peter Rigby and the Southport Carriage Co. supplied the handsome equipages.
Appended is a
List of Presents
Bridegroom to bridge – fittend crocodile dressing case
Bride to bridgroom – travelling bag and dressing case
Bride to “Best Man” – gold sleeve-links
Bridegroom to bridesmainds – gold and turquoise pendants and chains
Mother of the bride – cheque, household linen, silver, etc]Mr and Mrs J H Walker – cheque
Miss Grundy – silver table lamp and brass cake stands
Miss Millie Grundy – silver tea service
Miss Annie Grundy – dessert service and oak writing table
Mr J A Grundy – two artist’s proof engravings
Miss Trixie Walker – dinner service
Miss Daisy Walker – silver salts
Miss Nona Walker –breakfast heater
Mr Humphrey Walker – Grandfather clock
Mr Barton Walker – silver candlesticks
Mr and Mrs Albert E Grundy (waterloo) – China tea service
Mr and Mrs Alfred E Grundy – fish carvers
Mr and Mrs Fred Grundy (Huyton) – fish knives and forks
Maids at West Leigh – silver and cut glass vases
Maids at 8, Park Avenue – set of china jugs
Mr and Miss Barton (Wigan) – brass coal scuttle
Mrs Brayton (Hindley) – pewter bowl
Mr and Mrs J Ratcliffe Ellis (Wigan) – cheque
Mr and Mrs W Ratcliffe Ellis (Wigan) – cheque
Miss Beth Ellis (Wigan) – silver vases
Mr Arthur Ellis (Wigan) – cheque
Mr and Mrs Arthur Fair (Haigh) – leather writing cabinet and blotter
Mr and Mrs Stephen France, junr. (Wigan) – case of silver spoons
Mrs J H Gregory – vases
Mrs A Walker Grundy (Prestwich)
Mrs E Grundy and family (Ormskirk) - carved oak table
Mr Harrison Grundy – oak clock
Mrs Henderson (Edinburgh) – silver revolving breakfast dish
Dr and Mrs Percy Henderson (Galashiels) – breakfast warmer
Mr T Syme Henderson (Galashiels) – silver pepperettes
Misses Jackson (Prestwich) – cheque
Miss Edith Jackson (Prestwich) – carved oak corner cupboard
Mr and Mrs John Slingsby (Lytham) – silver manicure set
Mr and Mrs George Walker (Liverpool) – silver entrée dishes
Mr and Mrs J Scarisbrick Walker – Rosewood folding writing table
Mr and Mrs T A Walker – canteen of silver
Cousins at 7, Cambridge Road – silver bon-bon dish
Mr and Mrs E R Walker – silver hot-water jug
Dorothy and Dickie – art vase
Mr and Mrs W F Walker (Liverpool) - carriage clock
Mrs John Walker (Radcliffe) – silver teapot
Mrs Arkle (West Derby) – silver fruit spoons
Mr Gordon Ackerley – silver vases
Mt and Mrs Walter Baxendalell – silver butter dish and toast rack
Mr and Mrs Eustace Baxendell – dutch vase
Misses E and M Baxendell – copper spirit kettle
Miss Evelyn Bentley (Fallowfield) – satin table centre
Mr and Mrs R W Brighouse (Ormskirk) – coalport coffee cups and saucers
Mr Booth (Wigan) – knife machine
Mrs Carter – silver muffin dish
Dr Weldon Carter – silver paper knife
Mr Langton Carter – egg cruet
Mr Herbert Dickson (London) – silver cardcase
Mr W B Dixon (Coalbrookvale) – silver spoons, spoons
Miss Emmott (London) – table cloth
Nurse Fenton – silver photograph frames
Miss Fernihough – silver salts
Mr F Fernihough – smoking cabinet
Mr P Fernihough – hanging gong
Mrs Gawith – four silver bon-bon dishes
Rev J S and Mrs Gardner (Melling) – pair of brass candlesticks
Miss Glover – flower vases
Mr Gerald Hewlett (Wigan) – silver pepperettes
Rev C S and Mrs Hope – silver tea caddy
Miss and Mr Norman Holden – silver clock
Mrs W E Hobbs – candlesticks
Mr and Mrs Edward Hulme (West Didsbury) – brass fire screen
Dr Hulton – piece of china
Mr and Mrs Henry Hudson – satin table centre
Mr and Mrs Oswald Kellett (Burscough) – dessert knives and forks, and a wagon of coal
Miss Mary Knowles – Crown Derby tea cups and saucers
Mr and Mrs A H Leach – silver salver
Mr and Mrs P McEwan – silver serviette rings
Miss Oliver (Wigan) – silver stamp case
Miss Ramsden – silver mustard pot
Mr and Mrs Moore Richardson – bust, “Genie”
Mrs Ridgway – silver photoframes
Mrs Roberts and family – case of silver spoons
Mrs and Miss Rogers (Parbold) – case of carvers
Mr and Mrs H Milward Rogers (Parbold) – camera
Mr and Mrs R M Robertson (London) – pewter vase
Mr and Mrs henry Shelmerdine – silver vase
Miss Sidebotham – Duchesse set and sachet
Mrs Marcus Towell – art vase
Mr Stanley Thompson – silver candlesticks
Mr and Mrs Hirst Walker – silver marmalade pot
Miss Marjorie Wood – silver salts bottle
Mr H Wall – chining carriage clock
Messrs Fox and Co – Art glass and silver scent bottle
Mr Samuel Jackson (Lord Street) – Crepe de chine blouse
2nd Feb 1905 Euston Hotel
My dear Arthur
I did not take a proper leave of you yesterday and forgot to thank you for your gift at the altar. I know you are very fond of Chickie and must have felt parting with her; I can only say that I thank you for your confidence in me and that I appreciate her unselfish and affectionate nature and that I love her dearly and will do all in my power to make her life a happy one.
Your affectionate brother-in-law
Howard J Walker.